fredag 23 november 2012

Determination, cults and Milgrams experiment.

I stumbeld across this video of a woman who talks so slowly I actually had to rewind a coupple of times because I lost myself in my own thoughts and forgot what she had said that had triggerd them. Anyhow, for 100 days she has constantly been writing down what feels most important to her for the moment. It may sound perfectly nice and all but..

Also I should mention that this is some kind of a movement (JTL Journey To Life) where people update everyday through social networks. Personally I am highly against social spiritual movements in general, they scare me, especially when people tells other people that they have found the trought about something. The person that started this movement, Bernard Poolman, says that it will take us all a minimum of seven years, if we all apply to his program, to change the world. This will happen through constant selfobservation to forgive yourself (of what i dont know, maybe it's the sin we were all apparently born with) until we reach "nuthingness".

When I heard this interwiev, I thought "well, this is not all bad" but after ahile i noticed that first he tells me that to be afraid of cults are to be unsure of ourselves, our critical thinking and intellect, then he tells me that cult leaders pray on peoples fears and that he is not one of them because he is only trying to get people to think critically. I then realized that he had actually prayed on my fear of cults and insulted my intellectual power for doing so. That is such a wrong statement. 

When I studied sociology, we lerned about the Millgram experiment that proves that all people are more likely to respond with obedience to authorety than we would like to think. Most of us will even take an order to kill someone when someone tells us to. To think that you would not be in the 60% that would give someone a deadly dose of electrisity because of that you have a higher intellect than all others is simply arrogance. 

My conclusion is that we should all be afraid of cults, and also of Bernard.

tisdag 23 oktober 2012

Love thou body? WRONG!

A few days ago I told a friend of mine that I actually like my body very much. He answered "Okeeeey..?" as if what I just had said was very surprising and wrong. I have heard so many times from others that I have a great body but when I feel that its true, its some how wrong? 

I grew up in a family where health is always on the menue. When I was ten years old I knew that carrots contain vitamin E, spinach contain iron and milkproducts are important to me because I dont eat meat. My parents taught me to make food from scratch and made sure I always was involved in sport. With those tools you can make your body function as good as possible and with that comes a great feeling of self esteem. That is a very good thing and no one should tell you that you should feel any differend about you body than to be proud of it. There is no golden standard for bodies other than that they should be as healthy as possible.

And for gods sake, tell people you love your body! . You feeling great about yourself and expressing that is not going to make others feel bad. No one would be surprised or offended if I said I was a good painter. Wich I also am but not every one likes it and thats ok. Some people love it and I still love it.

måndag 25 juni 2012


Psychopaths who kill have always fascinated me. Who are the three most vicious killers of our time? On third place we have Jeffery Dahrmer, a handsome gay man who thought that the ultimate lover was one that was totally submissive to him. He often fantasized about having sex with unconscious or dead men.  He tried to make his victims sex slaves/zombies by injecting their brains with acid. When that did't work, he simply stored parts of their bodies for as long as possible. He often ate his victims to "keep a part of them inside that could never be taken away", as Jeffery himself so put it. Jeffery murderd 17 men and boys.

On second place there is Ted Bundy, my personal favourite. He charmed his victims by flirting, pretending he needed help, that he was a police or plummer, then raped and killed them. He sometimes kept their bodies or parts of them at certain dump sights that he would come back to for sexual satisfaction. When the police came they told him that he was being arrested for the murders of 26 women, Ted Bundy smiled and said "ad a digit and you have the right number". The reason Im so facinated by him is that he is absolutly charming and verry intellegent, surrounded by friends and family. The known number of victims is 30. The day before his execution he gave an interview that is very interesting.

On first place, the most evil of them all is the Ken and Barbie killers. They were called so because of theis young age and good loocks. Their real names were Paul bernado and Karla Homilca, they were two young people in love, about to get married.. They only killed three girls but I have named them the most vicious psycopaths because of their first victim, Karlas younger sister, 15 years of age. Karla druged her and then they both raped her. Then they did the same with two other girls, 14 and 16 years old and they usually filmed their rapes. These three murdes were the ones they were convicted for but far more girls disapered. Karla is now a free woman and a mother.

tisdag 12 juni 2012

Household tricks

I love finding clever household tricks to make life easier. Especially tricks that only require what you usually have in the pantry. For example, did you know that vinegar is the best way of removing chalk? Or that gum stuck in hair is best removed with peanutbutter? The last tip is something I defenetly will be sharing with my friends that have children. 150 more tips, like how to get rid of wine stains will make your life much easier.

måndag 23 april 2012

When life is shit

Some days are just shittyer than others. I'ts 3:37 AM when I realize that I have my very own cognitive therapist in front of me; my computer. Since I was'nt very happy, I stumbeld the internet for the word 'happiness' and found tips on things to do that would likely make me happier in the short term future. In fact, only thikning about seeing my old friend Rasmus again makes me happy. Also, I am going out for a walk with a puppy tomorrow. What better way for a walk?

tisdag 6 mars 2012

What is cool?

History of cool

What is cool and why? What used to be cool? When was it cool and why?

Cool to say cool
Click the images to get to the websites. The picture underneath is a chart on the usage of different words for cool. Seems though as cool has always been cool.

I also want to share the video where I got this information from. What I find very interesting is the originating of different ways to be cool. The "I dont care"-cool is originally from cultures within prisons and other institutions where you dont usually have alot of power over your situation. The "I dont care"-cool finally makes sense to me, I was never cool in school.

tisdag 28 februari 2012

Oh, lifehacker

These days Im studying to become an electrician so I stumbeld the internet for some fun ideas on home lightning. I found a do it yourself lightbolt made out of a winebottle. I also found tips on how yo make your own travel containers for shampoo, conditioner and such. Perfect for the gym. All found at lifehacker.

tisdag 10 januari 2012

Save the world gameing!

Can gameing save the world? Game designer Jane McGonigal says yes, the amount of time we spend on online games can be used for to solve some of the worlds most important problems. For example; how would you survive in a world without oil? That game has actually allready been produced. Check out her lecture at TED for tips on more interactive games that have already been made for the purpose of problem solving.