tisdag 23 oktober 2012

Love thou body? WRONG!

A few days ago I told a friend of mine that I actually like my body very much. He answered "Okeeeey..?" as if what I just had said was very surprising and wrong. I have heard so many times from others that I have a great body but when I feel that its true, its some how wrong? 

I grew up in a family where health is always on the menue. When I was ten years old I knew that carrots contain vitamin E, spinach contain iron and milkproducts are important to me because I dont eat meat. My parents taught me to make food from scratch and made sure I always was involved in sport. With those tools you can make your body function as good as possible and with that comes a great feeling of self esteem. That is a very good thing and no one should tell you that you should feel any differend about you body than to be proud of it. There is no golden standard for bodies other than that they should be as healthy as possible.

And for gods sake, tell people you love your body! . You feeling great about yourself and expressing that is not going to make others feel bad. No one would be surprised or offended if I said I was a good painter. Wich I also am but not every one likes it and thats ok. Some people love it and I still love it.