onsdag 30 mars 2011

Formal apology & mind fuck

Formal apology This is one of my favourites, I will use this every time I do something bad. Just fill in the blanks and send it. Easy done.

Is this God?

EVER DREAM THIS MAN? A psychologist's patient had recurrent dreams about a man who he referred to as "this man". The patient had painted a drawing of this man. Some time later another patient happened to see the picture and exclaimed "that's the man of my dreams". The psychologist then sent the picture to some of his colleagues to ask if their patients had dreamt of 'this man' too. Now this webpage has been set up to unite those who dream of 'this man'. They want to share their dreams and find out who this man is and if he exists or if he is actually God himself.
When I dreamd of this man after writing this post he was really mean. He actually tried to rape me so if that is God, God is a rapist.

lördag 26 mars 2011

Sheep game

Sheep game A lovely game where you guide three sheeps to the other side of cliffs, mountains and whatever they happen to come across.

onsdag 23 mars 2011

Some other stuff



Make it dance This is so funny. I sent it over to a friend and she loved it.

12 Art & Design Documentaries You Should Queue One of them you may already have heard abut, Exit trough the giftshop, a documentary about Banksy.


A note and cannabis from mom, TEN STRANGE PLACES, 21 Habits of Happy People, Do It Yourself Doodler

tisdag 8 mars 2011

70 Photos That Will Take Your Breath Away

most of them anyway:P
Recreating children's drawing by Yeondoo Jung 
the artwork of children is fascinating on many levels. however their uninhibited imagination is  not always very true to reality. so when korean artist yeondoo jung set out to turn the drawing's  of 5-7 year old children into reality, some interesting environments were sure to arise. after he  collected over 1,000 drawings, a select few were selected and turned into reality through a  series of photo shoots titled 'wonderland'. the results are just as fascinating as the original  drawings.

söndag 6 mars 2011

Back to the future

Well, now when I work with children I often stop to wonder what will become of them and what they might look like. I give you Irina Werning with back to the future.

99 rooms

I dont know what kind of inspiration you might get from this but I kind of got the sudden feeling that I wanted to write a novel. Visit the 99 rooms.

This is an other project called Anasomnia by the same group. You will be needing a web cam for this one.

In every dream house..

My dream house: Assembly required 


Ron Mueck’s Amazing Surrealistic Sculptures


50 Extremely Awesome Examples of Typography

Rory Sutherland: Life lessons from an ad man | Video on TED.com

Rory Sutherland: Life lessons from an ad man | Video on TED.com
Shown by TED - Ideas worth spreading. Check out TED's website.

Resource Furniture: Italian-Designed Space Saving Furniture

Bottle craft project

Booze it Up! 13 Rad Recycled Bottle Crafts & Projects

Street art utopia

Street art utopia

Going west

Banksy news

How Banksy bailed out Russian graffiti artists Voina